March 27, 2022
This Week's Focus:
God’s Remedy: For a Cold Heart
Hebrews 3:7-11
Children's Lesson:
Here is the Children's Lesson created by Karen:
Bible Memory
Let’s go over our memory verse again. See how much you can remember by memory.
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33
Bible Story
Before we read our story, can you think of a time when your parents have told you not to do something, but you did it anyways? How did you feel after you did it? How did they react? Keep those feelings in mind when you read or listen to this week’s bible story.
Mark 14:66-72
You can read on your own from your bible, or click the link below to watch it on video-or why not both?!
Wow, what a story eh? Let’s just take a minute and try to picture ourselves in the story. First picture yourself as Peter when Jesus warned him ahead of time that he was going to deny knowing him to others? Peter thought it was impossible right? Would you feel the same?
Now think about Jesus and how he would feel. Peter, one of the people closest to him denies knowing him in the time he likely felt like he needed the most support. You would likely feel quite hurt by what happened right? But instead of getting mad, we have a loving and forgiving God who just continues to love us unconditionally.
Lastly, picture yourself as Peter again. Jesus told him he would deny knowing him, he didn’t see how it could happen. Then, when your friend needs you the most and you actually turn your back on them. At a time when you feel like you don’t deserve it, forgiveness happens immediately. Wow eh!
Activity: to help us remember the story,wouldn’t it be fun to make a rooster?
Using an empty toilet paper roll, the googly eyes from your kit, and some construction paper, you can use the picture to make a rooster. God can use something as odd as a roosters crow to show (or warn us-remember last week’s lesson?) us he’s there.

Just soak and listen to the words.
March 20, 2022
This Week's Focus:
A Holy Spirit Picture That Says,
Keep The Faith, Stay Safe!
Hebrews 3:7-11
Children's Lesson:
Here is the Children's Lesson created by Karen:
Bible Memory
Let’s start with our memory verse. Try saying it using 3 different accents:
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33
Bible Story
Have your parents ever try to warn you not to do something? Can you think of a time when you didn’t listen to them? How do you think it made your parents feel?
Now, I want you to think of a time when you have borrowed something from someone. Did you give it back right away? If you didn’t, and you kept it for a while does that make it yours? I would like you to think about these questions while you read this week’s bible story.
Matthew 21:33-46
Jesus Creates a picture, it’s a “sign” to have faith and stay safe!
While this parable does seem a little crazy, it has 2 really good lessons.
We serve and amazing God who wants to warn or ‘caution’ us.
that same amazing God gives us more than one chance!
Next, we are going to soak first. During the song, I want you to ask him to give you a picture or a word of something he is trying to warn or caution you against. Remember what the picture/word was
Take a yellow piece of construction paper (if you don’t have one, plain paper is fine also). And markers.
Start by making your paper into a triangle or diamond shape. Next, draw the picture or write the word of what he’s trying to caution you against. You don’t have to stop at drawing though. Feel free to cut pictures from magazines or whatever creative ideas he gives you. Keep this as a reminder this week.
Lastly, play a good old fashioned game of “red light, green light” But throw in a “yellow light”-which means slow move, but at a very slow mo pace.
March 13, 2022
This Week's Focus:
More than Mo
This House Belongs to Jesus!
Hebrews 3:3-6
Children's Lesson:
Here is the Children's Lesson created by Karen:
Bible Memory
Let’s start by repeating this month’s memory verse 3 times aloud:
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33
Bible Story
Next, let’s read this week’s bible story.
Gospel Story: Matthew 7:24-27 A wise man built his house upon the rock -God’s wisdom!
We learn that God is the designer and builder of ALL things, including you. When he builds us, he wants us to have a firm foundation in him. Using any supplies you have sitting around (construction paper, markers, glue, etc…Make a house…… but I want it to look like you… make the windows into eyes, door into mouth, the roof like your hair.

Snack / Activity
Using snack items from your house, pretzels, graham crackers, icing, etc….. And built a strong house……. Then eat it..

Let's end with soaking.