January 30, 2022
This Week's Focus:
(Word Above All Words)
Children's Lesson:
Here is the Children's Lesson created by Karen:
Memory Verse:
Let’s just try the memory verse one more time:
In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God John 1:1 NRSV
Here’s the link to the video: Memory Verse Song - John 1:1-3
Bible Story:
Let’s read about today’s message:
Read Hebrews 1:13-14
13 And God never said to any of the angels, “Sit in the place of honour at my right hand until I humble your enemies, making them a footstool under your feet.”14 Therefore, angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation.
Next, let’s read our bible lesson. Get those bibles out, and turn to our Gospel Story: Acts 2:22-41 God’s endorsement of Jesus!
Get out your jenga set from your kit. Set it up and play like normal….except you need to use the opposite hand then you usually do. And, if you make the tower fall. You have to “put Jesus back on top” by reciting our memory verse. When you're successful, play again!
We learned today that God is endorsing Jesus. He’s given his “stamp of approval”. Why not make up our own endorsement of Jesus. Make a poster or prepare a presentation pretending that you are trying to show a friend or family member why Jesus is so great!
Soaking Time:
I know we’ve done this song before……. But it’s sooooo good, and he kept putting it on my heart
January 23, 2022
This Week's Focus:
is First and Forever!
Children's Lesson:
Here is the Children's Lesson created by Karen:
Memory Verse:
Let’s start by practicing our Memory Verse: In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God.John 1:1
Here’s the link to the video: Memory Verse Song - John 1:1-3
Bible Story:
You can trust THE WORD! Matthew 17:24-27 Take a coin from the mouth of the first fish you catch.
When your done reading it, watch this cute little video
Praise and Worship:
Before we soak, let’s praise!
Listen to the following song. Get up dance, jump around, praise name. He is THE SAME
The Same Jesus (Official Live Video) - Matt Redman
Wow, so good! Let’s do another!!!
Israel & New Breed-Jesus The Same
Soaking Time:
And now let’s slow it down for the soaking. Same song name, different lyrics.
Jesus the Same - Hillsong Worship
January 16, 2022
This Week's Focus:
JESUS: The Word
Above All Words!
Children's Lesson:
Here is the Children's Lesson created by Karen:
Memory Verse:
Let’s start by going over our monthly memory Verse:
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God
To get us warmed up, let’s watch and follow along with the memory verse song:
Bible Story:
This week’s Message: Jesus is greater than any message ever sent from Heaven! Better than ones given by Angels!
Read: Hebrews 1:4-9
The Word that Jesus is and has to share makes him THE WORD ABOVE ALL WORDS.
Greater than the Angels or any word of God may have spoken through them throughout human history.
To remember this, print off the angel picture below. If you don’t have a printer you can simply draw one.
Next, cut out the angel along the line then decorate. Use crayons/markers/sparkes, whatever inspires you! Next roll your angel up like a cone and tape it together. Now you have a megaphone!!!!!
Use the megaphone to repeat the scripture verse of the month:
John 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God”
Soaking Time:
Just soak on the name JESUS
January 9, 2022
This Week's Focus:
JESUS: The word made flesh. THE LIVING WORD:
See Jesus. See God.
Children's Lesson:
Here is the Children's Lesson created by Karen:
Memory Verse:
Let’s start off by going over our memory verse we are working on.
” In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God” John 1:1.
If you're having trouble remembering it, check out this cool video.
Bible Story:
Next, Let’s Read the bible story. John 14:1-14
I have found this beautiful song that sings the story if you’d rather just soak and listen to it.
Does anyone remember our “8 I am Declarations”? Jeff did a fun little video of this last year.
Today we are going to go over these again. You will need to get your jenga blocks out of your monthly kit box. You will also need to print off the sheet below and grab a pair of scissors and some tape.
First print out the sheet
Next cut along the lines to make squares.
Then tape one paper to a jenga block. Repeat with all of the papers.
Next build the jenga tower with all of the blocks making sure to mix the blank ones with the one with pictures on it.
Play jenga!!! The idea is to try to pull out the pieces with the pictures and words and make them into pairs.
Soaking Time:
Before playing the song, ask God to reveal to you the way’s that he is working through you. Ask him to show you something special about you that only HE knows