February 27, 2022
This Week's Focus:
Tough Times and Testing.
You Are not alone.
Children's Lesson:
Here is the Children's Lesson created by Karen:
Bible Story
First, let’s read the bible story:
Gospel Story: Luke 8:4-15 The Seed Sown THE WORD that remains.
Create A Game Activity
Next, let’s do the Activity:
You will need:
The construction paper
The coins that you made the other week if you can find them.
Use either one or two of the pieces of construction paper, and draw out a game board on the paper

next make a game token for each player by making the shape of a seed. Write the phrase “His Word” on each piece
next number the boxes starting and one, and ending at the last box.
next, in the first area, draw a “footpath”. Make the 5th box a “your seeds fell on the footpath, move back 2 spaces”
in the next area, decorate it to be the “rocks”. Label one of the spots in this area “ no water here, move back 3 spaces.
in the next area draw some thorns. Label one of the spaces “no room for you to grow, move back 5 spaces”
make the last area the soil land.
now decorate your game board. use the leftover construction paper, markers, or whatever you would like.
feel free to add more actions to your game board.
now you're ready to play! Taking turns, roll the dice and advance how many spaces you rolled on the dice on the gameboard. The first one to make it through to the end wins.
With every new area, there is a new challenge to get through. Life is the same. Use your gameboard to remember today’s parable, and to help you navigate through life’s challenges.
Let's end with soaking.
Candy Bracelet
And finally the candy bracelet:
EAT IT!!!!!!!!! It’s just a little reminder that life is so much sweeter with Him in it!
February 20, 2022
This Week's Focus:
You and I:
Brothers and Sisters of Jesus.
Children's Lesson:
Here is the Children's Lesson created by Karen:
Memory Verse:
Memory Verse: “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life”.
Bunny Family Activity:
This week we are going to mix things up a bit. Let’s get out our bins and do our activity first. You will need:
The package of rubber bunnies
The package of googly eyes
The glue tape
The felt
The Yarn
Using the items listed above, you can make a bunny family. You can use the felt to make outfits or decorate your people, or use it to make hair, or both.
Once you're done I want you to think…… What makes these “bunnies” family? How are they related to each other? Did you make them like your family or someone else’s family? Did you make brothers and sisters? How can you tell by just looking at them?
Bible Story:
Speaking of brothers and sisters….. Let’s read this week's bible story.
Matthew 12:46-50 Jesus is my brother!
So in this story, we learn that WE ARE FAMILY!!!!!!! Let’s get up and celebrate. I found this little video. Try to follow along with the actions, and be sure to sing the chorus- WE ARE FAMILY!!
Version #1 (easier) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q14vBP9HsWs
Version #2 (harder)Sister sledge - We are family/ Dance for People choreography
Easier Version:
Harder version
Craft: Paper Chain People
Take the construction paper (don’t use the green, orange, yellow). Fold it over and over. Draw an outline of half a person then cut it out. It makes a paper chain of people. Here’s an instructional video that shows you how you can do this
Use the leftover felt etc to decorate and make a family….. Remember WE are ALL family.
February 13, 2022
This Week's Focus:
Children's Lesson:
Here is the Children's Lesson created by Karen:
Memory Verse:
Memory Verse: “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life”.
Bible Story:
Luke 18:18-30 - you can either read it in your bible, or watch the video below (or do both)
Watch: St Bart's Kids eBook - Luke 18:18-30
Coin Activity:
You will need: scissors, markers, your metallic sticker sheets, the bag full of wooden circles.
We learned in our story above that we are to give it ALL up to God. All of our possessions.
You can use the metallic sheets to stick onto the wooden circles to make them like different coins (trace the shape onto the sticker sheet first, then cut out the outline).
Next take your markers and draw on the coins. But, instead of making the usual designs that are on our coins, draw a different thing you own on each coin (like your favorite toy, ipad, video game, stuffed animal, etc.)
When you're done, if you have another family member that is participating , you can take turns trading the coins (or your possessions) with each other. If you don’t have someone doing the activity with you, then line up the coins in order of easiest to give up all the way to the hardest one to give up.
Once you're done take a moment to think about all of your items. Were some of them easier to give up than others? Why do you think that is? Why does he ask us to do this?
He wants us to give these things up to show that HE is more important than THEY are. He wants us to FIX OUR FOCUS on him!
Speaking of focus… let’s start our next activity.
Bunny Eyes Activity:
From the big envelope you will need everything else left in there except the felt sheets.
Take the bunny face, and use the stickers to decorate the bunny.
Next take the black string and feed it through the holes on the side of the bunny face. Be sure to make the string the right size so it fits your head. Next put on your super special bunny mask and “fix your focus” on him. Look around the room and pretend like God has given you special vision to see the things that you are to give up for him.
Soaking Time:
Let’s end our time together as we usually do… with soaking.
This week I have 2 songs that really spoke to me about this. If you have time, i’d love for you to listen to both of them.
The first one I want you to just reflect on what it means to “lay it all down for him” while soaking to: Will Reagan & United Pursuit - Lay It All Down (lyrics)
While this next song plays I want you to just have a time of gratitude for ALL the things that you saw today that you could give up to him. Let’s give him praise for all he gives us.…… more then enough! Feel free to get up and worship to this one.
Gratitude - Brandon Lake | House of Miracles