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Never Lost

Selah Fire

My revelation from the Lord recently was this …

“I have been wounded, cast out, thrown away, rejected, misunderstood, but yet I am loved by the king of kings, the one who wraps his arms around me and holds me till morning, the one that can’t get enough of me. He smothers me with his fragrance and then he says that my fragrance delights him. He says, ‘Come away my beloved come to the cleft of the rock, the rock of my son where you can hide and rest. Yes, my daughter, you are sweeter than honey; you are my honeycomb. You complete me.’”

God Knows the Future

Two years before coming to Drayton, God spoke to me through a dream my wife had. God

showed her the town, the church, the house and the “new van” we’d eventually purchase. I was doubtful at the time, but Drayton has become home.

It was also through a prophetic word I received from my buddy. He shared something I knew in that moment, only God knew. That word of God set me free, I knew I had God’s ok to make the shift and start what we now call Selah Fire. Then, six years later, one day driving into Elmira I get this crazy thought to drive truck. Who knew that God had a plan of provision for me amidst a pandemic? God is amazing!

You know, this is not all new, this kind of thing happened even when I was a kid. I was in grade three, we had just moved to Guelph from Orillia, it was 1975. Our family had moved in October, so classes had already begun. For some reason, I was being escorted to my class by the principal (not the last time I’d see him personally … another story).

We get to the door of the class, and he asks, “Why did you come to Guelph anyways?”

Without hesitation, I told him, God told my Dad to move to Guelph. Our conversation ended there.

Thanks Dad. Thank You Jesus! Thank You God, and thank You Holy Spirit!! The rest is history. And the future? I know He holds it safe and sure in His hands! It’s true for all of us!


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