I have just finished participating in this morning’s meeting. As it was going on, I thought that maybe I could write a testimony of what God has been doing in my life most recently. Then I looked in my journal to get the name of one of the songs that He keeps giving me, this one pretty much daily now. I wrote it on a paper to use in case I was to write this. Then there was the song “This is My Story” which really moved me. I have so much to tell but, for the most part, have shared very little with people, perhaps because it was not the right time. In any case, I took this song as a confirmation of what I was thinking of doing. Then the last song definitely confirmed it – “Build My Life.” (Pat Barrett ft. Cory Asbury) This is the song that I had written on the paper to refer to as I write this! This is how God works in my life – He leads me, He confirms what He is saying to me and is constantly building the confidence that what I hear and sense is directly from Him. This is not boasting, for anything that is good in me, anything that He does in and through me, I know is from Him. I have nothing to do with it except that I have responded to His call on my life. And even that is not of my own accord. He initiated this relationship, and HE has sustained it through many trials and many training grounds. I can only say that all is of Him and for Him and to His glory alone!
Firstly, a great tribute to you all at Selah Fire! For years I have been searching for a fellowship like what God has, and continues, to create here!
At the beginning of January, I had the idea of joining in on the LifeLine on Wednesday evenings but did not move forwards on the thought because I couldn’t. I did not have enough confidence to put myself before other people in such a personal way. The wounds were still too deep. But, God, Jesus and Holy Spirit have continued to work on me in this area, making leaps and bounds in the past month, going right along with His word to me at the beginning of the year: “2021: A year of restoration and miracles!”
Well, it certainly has been already, and we are just getting started! To make the story shorter, I joined in on the LifeLine on this past Wednesday, along with my someone that God has used in an instrumental way to bring me back to life. Indeed, as he commented one night a week or so ago, “Wow! This is not the same Sister! God! You have done a miracle in my sister’s life!”
Hallelujah! Yes, my friend and brother in the Lord is right! I have been so blessed by intimate times with the Lord in my new room, meeting with Him daily, for hours on end. Reading Scriptures as led, praying, worshipping, and talking with the wonderful, anointed friends that He has connected me with over the years. I have also been very blessed by Laurie’s book and the teaching related to it. God has used this to confirm things to me that I have thought for a long time and to extend my understanding. I am so very grateful! (As well, God has been using a book over the last week that was mentioned in a certain special friend’s testimony – “Total Forgiveness” by R.T. Kendall. I was sent straight to the chapter on forgiving myself!) I am so blessed by Him!
So, Lifeline. I was able to join in and God covered that, too! The people who were at the meeting were those that I had either met before or, even, had a relationship with over the years. This was very reassuring from the outset! Then the way that Laurie facilitated the meeting along with his wife, Edith was most welcoming and reassuring. I was very grateful to be a part of the conversation, and, while still holding back, did, by the end, share one thing that God had done that very day. And it was received.
In summary, God has shown me over and over and over that I am of great value. Again, as He once said, “Who are you going to believe? Me or them?”
Straight to the core! But I still needed help to believe in who I am. Hence the powerful influence of Laurie’s book and the teaching at Selah Fire, the friends that I have been connected with, and many words and pictures and songs that He has blessed me with personally.
I love the words in the spontaneous song from Sarah Edwards on one of her worship sets at IHOPKC. They brought so much healing to me!
“No one else can sing my praises. No one else can give my love. We each have our own flavor. It’s beautiful, it’s beautiful!”
No one is like YOU. You are valuable in God’s sight. You have a special position in His Body, one which can be replicated by no one else. It is the “job” of each one of us, and particularly those called to the fivefold ministry, to discover who each one of us is in Jesus, to build up, to equip, to assist God, Jesus and Holy Spirit in setting the believer free to be who He made them to be! And thereby to take up their most honored and valued position in the Body of Christ, both inside the church and out! All for the glory of God! Amen.
“So, if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” (John 8:36)