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Selah Fire

The first Sunday in 2020 the Selah Fire family was invited, as is traditional, to listen for God to give each one a personal word for 2020. God spoke to me ‘hope.’ It turned out to be exactly what I would need. Some time later God led me to begin a beautiful project. It was to collect especially anointed worship and inspirational songs. The Holy Spirit would deeply stir up my spirit as I listened to or read the words of these songs. I copied hundreds in note books.

In mid-2020 a challenging time came. These songs became my anchor as I worshipped God. My faith grew and I was encouraged by their deep spiritual truths. I spent hours daily enjoying being in God’s presence. I was reminded how good and loving He is. He is very aware of all that His children go through and wants to be our greatest Helper. I praised Him for the way He had provided for and led me. In God’s loving-kindness someone I barely knew was prompted to gift me with The Passion Translation scripture. It has been a great treasure, bringing inner shalom. I also thank Him for the many loving people in my life who pray for and support me.

Recently God used a book, Total Forgiveness by R. T. Kendall. It’s Biblical teaching on forgiveness and judging others is invaluable. The Holy Spirit has stripped away long-standing bad habits I had and couldn’t overcome by myself. Now I appreciate more Jesus’ work on the Cross and His love for me. I am filled with great love for Him. In the midst of my continuing trials, I love to worship and thank Him. Coming into His presence brings me peace and joy the world cannot give or understand.

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