A group of us have been meeting for a while in a Life Group. The group has evolved over the years and, while it varies from week to week, each time we meet allows us the wonderful opportunity to share our lives and receive new life from each other. The evening typically consists of fellowship, tears and laughter, well, a few tears, and a lot of laughter, some time in God’s Word and then some ministry to the Lord and to each other.
We have also become engaged in ministry opportunities as they have arisen. This has involved a number of things like ministering to a group of fellow believers in another town, packing dried food at an overseas mission organization, handing out meals at Christmas or just praying for and supporting family members or people in our sphere of influence.
In our Life Group we encounter new life in a number of ways:
When one of us shares that he had just led his Mom and Dad to the Lord
When we support and pray with another one whose son just died of cancer
When we walk with another one whose daughter is undergoing open heart surgery
When we encourage and strengthen each other in our struggle with family dynamics, health issues, etc.
When we grieve with another one whose brother-in-law just passed away
When we experience new revelations of God as we study His Word
When we lean on, draw from and support each other, not only each time we meet, but also in the calls, texts and emails that go in between.
This is life.
This is the life that comes in a Life Group!
I thank the Lord for His body, “the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.” (Eph. 1:23)