I was blessed to have a choice to retire 3 years ago after 30 plus years in the same position. The decision was prompted by wanting to be able to use my time giving where God was calling me. When I submitted my retirement letter, I did leave the door open to fill in part time when needed.
Over these past three years, I have been volunteering with some of our most vulnerable population. I have had the opportunity to serve alongside a wide variety of ages and backgrounds, and what a blessing it has been to share in work and learning together with a common goal of giving a hand up to those in need!

I had only been retired about three weeks when I was asked to fill in back at work. This has continued consistently. With the value I place on my volunteer commitments, I am fortunate to usually accommodate both. As far as work tasks go, after so many years I can slip back in and be a helping hand. However, in the last three years, some very significant personnel issues have developed. This has led to a very toxic environment at times. Although these issues do not involve me, the heavy atmosphere is difficult to ignore. This workplace is a lab with different benches which are rotated. The bottom line is everyone is trained to do everything, all the same positions. It is a very fast paced diagnostic lab with quick turnaround and stress can be high. We are a team and, like a sports team, you all must work together towards the same goal. When team members put up walls and worry only about their current task, the team becomes weaker.
When I am called into work, or before I even enter, I pray for Holy Spirit to flow and change the atmosphere. I also pray for God’s amour to protect me. I do rejoice that I can be in this place but not of it. I try to share light and love to everyone while I am there. God has given me a picture of trees with diseased branches. Once these diseased branches are pruned off, the root bed grows bigger and produces a beautiful strong tree. I rejoice that in this difficult and painful situation, God is working to rebuild a healthy team.