November 28, 2021
This Week's Focus:
Church Jesus
The Holy Place and
The Holy of Holies!
CHURCH JESUS: Everyday People
Items Needed From Home:
oil - vegetable/olive/ baby… doesn’t matter.
For this week you will need to keep out of your kit:
the little jar
the rest of the clay
the silver box I gave your parents
the jenga set (with your lampstand and cornerstone piece)
This week we are finishing up our lesson on the temple/tabernacle/tent . If you haven’t seen our past 3 week’s lessons, it may be a good idea to watch them first to get caught up with what's going
Key Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4-6 &9
Let’s start off by reading this Month’s Key Scripture again (see below) 1 PETER 2:4-6 & 9
You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple. He was rejected by people, but he was chosen by God for great honor.
And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.
……..for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

And again, let’s build up that temple. Take out the jenga blocks and make your temple. Don’t forget to include the cornerstone piece that you made last week (In verse 4 we learn that Christ is the “living cornerstone” of God’s temple). Also, make sure to include your lampstand that you made last week.
If you have pictures PLEASE send them to me!.
WE learned the second week that GOD PROVIDES ALL WE NEED!!!! We remembered that by making bread and sharing it with others. Last week we learned how HE IS THE LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS. We made our own lampstands with lights to remember this.
Now, this week we are going to learn that God’s heart is for the people.
I remember once on facebook someone was asking to borrow something, but they weren’t able to find anyone to lend them what they needed. When I found out who it was that needed it, I remember saying “I wish I would have known that it was for you. If I had realized that I would have lent you mine”. Man, was I foolish. Let’s read this week’s story and find out why.
Bible Story: Matthew 25:31-46
Let’s take out our bibles and read Matthew 25:31-46.
You see from this story God asking us to treat all others like we would treat him- remember the good old “ do unto others……” Same thing. If we can go to the world helping any and all others (not just the people you know), you are actually helping him.
This week as we learn about our final object in the temple (the incense). It was one priests job to make sure the incense with filling the air, making its way to heaven 24/7. The burning incense was symbolizing the prayers of the people, everyday, all day! Just like Paul invites us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess 5:16-18). God’s heart is for the people as we saw in the bible story today.
Make sure you have your temple set up- complete with cornerstone and lampstand.
Next it’s time to ask for that silverbox from your parents. Open it up- it’s your very own bottle of “incense”. Now we can’t ACTUALLY burn incense…. so let’s make it at least smell like it….

Let’s get the clay and the little jar out. You are going to first fill your little jar. You can either fill your jar with only the stuff from your smelly jar, or you can make your own using some of the drops and some oil (can be olive/baby/vegetable oil-doesn’t matter). Make sure to screw the lid on once you are done. Next take your clay and mould it so it becomes a holder for the incense. You can make it into a bowl shape or into a stand (like your light last week). You can do the same carving into the clay to make a design like you did last week. Make sure to find a special place in your tabernacle to place your incense holder. Then you can take the lid off. Just like the priests would light the incense so it would rise to the skys (representing our prayers), by us leaving our “prayers” open they are getting to him. We now know that we can pray anytime, anywhere!
Soaking Song
Making sure that your light is turned on and your oil jar is open, soak to the song:Worthy of It All - Josie Buchanan | Moment
During it let’s ask God to remind us that we are the tabernacle-he lives in us and does his work through us. He provides for us, he is our light, and we are his everyday people. Just as the priests all had a “job”, we get to have and receive all the same jobs….
November 14, 2021
This Week's Focus:
Church Jesus
The Holy Place and
The Holy of Holies!
Made Fresh Everyday of Rest!
Items Needed From Home:
Baking items (list will be inside your “kit”-don’t peak yet…) that you will likely already have (you may need to purchase 1 pkg of vanilla instant pudding)
permanent marker
Ok….. I’m sure you're sitting on the edge of your seats wondering “WHEN do we get to open our kits?”. Wait no longer my friends. The time is now. Let’s carefully open them and see what’s inside. Not all items are used every week but some are used for more then one week so PLEASE pack it all back into the box once you’re done!
For this week you will need to keep out:
the plastic zip bags
the jenga blocks
the tissue paper
the communion set (clear cup with juice and wafer on top)
the bread instruction papers
IGNORE all the other things-keep them in the box for next time!
Key Scripture: 1 Peter 2:4-6 &9
So you all know that we are learning about the temple/tabernacle/tent right????? if you haven’t seen our women at the well video from this past Sunday-make sure to watch it! Let’s start off by reading this Month’s Key Scripture: 1 PETER 2:4-6 & 9
You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple. He was rejected by people, but he was chosen by God for great honor.
And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.
……..for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

In verse 4 we learn that Christ is the “living cornerstone” of God’s temple. So, let’s start out this week by building our temple.
Take out your box of Jenga blocks and grab your markers. Let’s start by colouring Christ as the living cornerstone.
Next, let’s take the rest of those blocks and build our tabernacle. Feel free to use the tissue paper from the kit to be your roof or part of your tabernacle.
Back in the days of the Old Testament, it was one of the priests’ jobs to make fresh loaves of bread every day of “rest”. He had to make 12 loaves, one for each tribe. Only the priests were allowed to eat the bread that had been made. Have you ever smelled fresh bread cooking???? Now imagine you weren’t allowed to eat it. That would be hard. The bread made was to represent that God will provide for us.
Bible Story: Luke 6:1-5
Next let’s turn to the Bible Story for this week and read out loud.
So what is super awesome is that WE know that GOD PROVIDES ALL WE NEED!!!!!. As a fun way of showing this, let’s make bread just like the priests did!
take the 4 ziplock bags-set 3 aside and use the one.
take the folded paper instructions and follow the recipe. You’ll notice that it is a “friendship bread”. This means that you start it, and then give some to share with others.
Soaking Song
During a time of soaking, (may I suggest Communion - Emmy Rose)
I would love for you to pray and ask God
who should you give each of the 3 starter loaves to
ask God to give you a word of encouragement for that person.
When you're done, write those encouraging words on the outside of each of the ziploc bags. Feel free to decorate the bag.