The Son of God has come and given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ.
1 John 5:20
And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Bible Story: John 6:60-69 Where would we go? —Our Forever Truth Changes today.
I really encourage you to read and let Holy Spirit touch your heart with “THE TRUTH” found in John chapter 6. I’ve used vs 60-69 for the “night time” story for our kids. But for us adults, try to take in the whole chapter. What follows is the reflection I wrote in the Children’s Ministry notes for our younger parents. I pray it will bless you too!
I went camping, one on one, with my eldest daughter Abbey. Something we have done since she was able to hike a trail. This was a “last”, I love you and good-bye time before she heads to another country and continent to start a new life with her hubby Curtis. At the campfire, she shares with me all that she has “discovered on her own, about Jesus”. My heart swells with joy, amazement, and peace. Our “forever Truth” changes today!
That’s my prayer for all of us as parents. Keep up the great work of nurturing your kids to seek after and discover for themselves the “forever Truth” who in actuality “finds” and “saves” us. Keep on Loving Jesus and the people he gives you, today, everyday, and forever!
Remember, you can always make a connection with the everyday to our “forever” Truth. When I watch movies, especially sappy ones, my girls always look over to me, “dad are you crying”! Seems to give them great joy to see me cry. Truth be said, I cried myself to sleep the night we said Goodbye to Abbey and Curtis. Warm hot tears. Why are my tears so hot? I wondered? Yep, still looking for truth?
It reminded me of a social worker freind who went to a conference. There they learned that tears associated with painfulful emotions “removed” from the body a poison strong enough to kill a rat. Weird, but true…. Again, this truth truth reminds me of our forever truth and the fact that He made us, “fearfully and wonderfully made” Psalm 139:14. God designed the human body in such a way that even tears can get rid of harmful poisons that emotions can create within our body. …. Wow God You're amazing.