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April 4, 2021: Pastor's Prep Notes



God made him who had no sin to be sin for us,

so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

2 Corinthians 5:21.

The ultimate “make it right” move! …. EASTER

Eph 2:4

God alone is right in character, ambition, motive and passion. p.45 HIIA

A most powerful and life shattering truth is found in this: God, my Father, made his sinless son Jesus to be sin for me, so that in I might become “the righteousness of God” (2Cor5:21) p. 46

In Christ, I have actually, become right, like him. p.46 HIIA

Ephesians 2 mission accomplished.

1 Cor 14:17 If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.

John 16:10 Righteousness is available because I go to the Father, and you will see me no more.

Romans 10:9 because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved

Romans 3:26 God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he makes sinners right in his sight when they believe in Jesus

Romans 5:18 Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life

ROMANS 5:1-5 Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. 2 Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. 3 We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. 4 And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. 5 And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.

Bible Story: John 20: whole chapter :) EASTER!!!!!


What we celebrate at Easter is the ultimate “make-it-right” move! It’s God’s move. It’s mind blowing. It changes everything. God went and did something that only God could do. And it’s radical. “He makes sinners right in his sight when they believe in Jesus” !!!! (Rom 3:26)

I asked Laurie “Who really cares about “righteousness these days, why’s it matter? … Why is it relevant for today? I don’t hear a lot of people telling me that they just long for the righteousness of God.”

Think about it. Of all the things that get marketed these days, people are looking for the right style, the right shoe, the right love of their life, the right shampoo, or parenting style … there is a whole lot of effort that goes into life just trying to make things right. But when it comes to getting right with God, who’s love is better than life (Psm 63:3) it’s like all the other pursuits to make things right blind us to the something that is within reach no matter your life situation, bank account, or life history. Truth be told (Good News) God made the ultimate make it right move, “easy” for us.

Let’s briefly remind ourselves what “righteousness” is. When we use the word in connection with our relationship with God it means to be in right standing or right relationship with God. In the Old Testament that came from obeying the law (phil 3:9). The Good News we get to share is that God changed it up so that God’s righteousness now comes through faith in Christ! And this kind of righteousness is only possible because Jesus has been raised from the dead. While this “make it right” solution might not be a highly valued product for “consumers”, God felt is was worth dying for. So that in turn He could raise up a whole new creation in relationship with Him. Jesus, Holy Spirit and Father God were willing walk the walk all the way to Calvary and to the empty tomb.

So here’s the Good News, you and I though faith in Jesus Christ get to become the righteousness of God.

“Practically, why’s it matter?” I asked. Laurie said, (something to this effect), “It matters to me because it means that no matter what the world looks like around me, or even inside of me, in every second, every hour, every moment of my day, my life has significance, things are “right” no matter how it looks like or feels, my life is “right” because I live in Him who is Righteous. It’s Jesus who makes life “right” for me.

While it may not be totally obvious, i truly believe people are crying out and desperately longing to experience the righteousness of God. You can hear it in the voices that cry out amidst the injustices of life, amidst the desire for significance. There is this resounding call for God’s righteousness when folk feel overwhelmed, swamped or trapped by the time consuming, yet “necessary” routines of everyday life. Our hearts cry out for a cosmic, transcendental, “MAKE IT RIGHT MOVE” that truly only God can give.

And he’s does. It’s a moment in human history with the make it right stamp of eternity, The RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST. This act of God is THE ULTIMATE MAKE IT RIGHT MOVE. The Stone has be rolled away and we can live in the world with the peace that comes from becoming the righteousness of God!

GOD GONE DONE AND MADE IT RIGHT!!! JESUS IS ALIVE. RESURRECTED, ALIVE FOREVER. THE IMPACT OF SIN, DEATH AND SATAN IS RENDERED POWERLESS. THE POWER OF GOD IS REVEALED AND RELEASED. God did something on planet earth that only God had the power to do, “make sinners right in his sight when they believe in Jesus.”…… WOW.

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