He is Love — I am priceless.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Mar 21 He is Love - I am -priceless -LOVE gives me the best seat in the house
-no act is trivial. No role minor. Dirty diapers are masterfully changed from a heart of unending love, and my neighbour’s toilet is unplugged because I carry the King of Kings inside of me, who will bend to the lowest place to bring all of us to a most supreme place. p. 40-41 HIIA
My Father has placed me in a high place, having raised me up with Christ Jesus, and seated me with him in the heavenly realms (eph 2:6) in Christ. this is the seat of love from which i rule my enemies, and forgive those who offend me. It is the place from which I help the weak, and supply wealth to the poor, because I have become rich in his wealth. It is the seat of compassion from which I am led into new ventures, ventures that make many people whole and strong again. p. 40-41 HIIA
Ephesians 2:6 and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ
Colossians 3:1-3 set your sights on the realities of Heaven
Phiippians 1:27 live as citizens of heaven
Ephesians 3:1-17 because of Christ and our faith in him, we can….
Phil 4:4-8 live with an attitude of gratitude and keep the main thing the main thing
Philippians 2:1-13
Bible Story: Luke 14:1-9 Who gets the best seat in the house?
Jesus reveals what it means to get the best seat in the house! The truth of his parable in Luke, he lives out before us through his life, death and resurrection. Returning to the place of honour he had with the Father before the world began. It’s a place of honour our loving heavenly Father wants to share with us.
At a hockey game, in theatre, perhaps even in your own home, most people can identify the “best seat” in the house. It might give the best view. Convey a sense of position and honour. And the only way you might get to sit in this seat is to pay the highest price or the person to whom and for whom the seat belongs lets you sit in it. So how does this language of “best seat in the house” help us to walk more fully our identity “in Christ”?
Look to Jesus and you will discover that the highest place of honour in heaven is revealed by God’s choice to honour a life of unfathomable humility. The kind Jesus reveals while living on the earth. This humility is truly AMAZING LOVE in action. A way of life God makes possible for us. Having the best seat in heaven we get to live out this honour through our lives on earth. Just like Jesus did.
It’s why Laurie can make the point that when we live in Christ “no act is trivial, no role minor”. God’s love is so amazing! The price and the honour of “owning” the best seat in heaven is expressed by humility on the earth. I put it this way, to be “in Christ” is to experience a love so amazing so divine, I get to walk the earth with both feet in Heaven. How can this be? Because God choose to “seat” me/us with Him “in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ”. That’s amazing love! He miraculously seats us with Christ in the Heavenly realms. We get the best seat in the HOUSE in heaven. Even when we live on earth. WOW!