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May 30, 2021 Pastor's Prep Notes

Selah Fire



I am fully convinced, my dear brothers and sisters, that you are full of goodness. You know these things so well you can teach each other all about them.

Romans 15:14

May 30 He is - I am. Good -from beginning to end His Life is Mine (jn 17)

Defeats are victories, because they allow me to draw from my Father’s superior forces, so I become victorious. Poverty is riches, because it allows me to seek out and discover the most excellent treasures of his storehouse, so I am made rich. Sickness is healing, because it allows me access to the highest quality care, so I am made whole. p.54 HIIA

No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. Romans 8:37

Bible: 2 Kings 4:1-7 The Widow and the Jars of Oil

Psalm 27 (it’s a goodie!)

Psalm 40 by U2 have a listen


I am learning to live in the goodness of God. It is allowing me to live with myself. I get to be me, alive in Christ, sometimes vulnerable, sometimes strong, sometimes an ass and sometimes a real gentleman. But always me. And always loved by God.

Thankfully, I feel less and less connected with the demands of religion. More and more I am a slave to love, the love revealed in Jesus Christ. Yes, the Goodness of God is a real resting place for me. My world or the world around me can be at peace, or full of rage, confusion and despair, it can be in total disarray….and through it all God is Good… “No, despite all things”, I’m with Paul, “despite all things, overwhelming victory is our through Christ Jesus!

my weaknesses he carried.

it was my sorrows that weighed him down

he was pierced for my rebellion

crushed for my transgressions

beaten so I can be made whole

whipped so that I can be healed. (my paraphrase of Isaiah 53:1-4)

From beginning to end His life is mine. He made the exchange for me, His life for mine, my life for His. It can’t get any better. He is Good, and me??? I am “first class”!

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