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December 20, 2020 Pastor's Prep Notes

Selah Fire

Updated: Dec 21, 2020

“every home a house of praise” --

Your home, a place of heavenly encounter and a mission from heaven to earth!

DEC 20


Divine Intervention!

I am Gabriel, I stand in the very Presence of God, it was He who sent me to bring you this good news. Luke 1:19

Bible Story: Luke 2:8-20 The Angelic Host!

Matthew 2:1-12 The Guiding Star!


God loves to use divine intervention to get Christmas in the House


Divine intervention gets Christmas from one house to another.


Christmas in the house is about bringing Heaven to earth—Divine Intervention!

Reflection for Parent(s): Every home a house of praise!

So many people I talk to, when the look back on their lives prior to knowing Jesus, become keenly aware of how much God has been involved in their history. I’m calling this Divine intervention.This is just another way God brings Heaven to earth. I have friends for whom God has changed nature in front of their eyes. God once moved a star for me! I have a friend who had angels catch them from a fall. For another God’s presence came into a room so powerfully and “think” that the room went pitch black even though all the lights were on. Another group shares how during a worship event there was a heavenly mist in once spot in front of the stage - no hole in the roof, they checked. Moments of Divine intervention are ways that God get’s “Christmas” in the house. Let’s celebrate the nature of our God. Our God is not far off and is keen to intervene to make Himself known! May He intervene in all our lives this Christmas.

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