Hello Everyone!
We are trying to pull together a children/youth virtual choir song in time for Christmas. This is open for all children and youth group ages. If your child(ren)/youth is/are interested in participating, even for just the chorus or instrumentally that would be awesome!
The song that we have chosen to do is The Blessing, by Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes in the key of B. The lyrics and chord sheets are found at the end of this document.
The "due date" for getting in your videos will be Sunday, Dec 6th 2020! We can do this!!!
Thank You ALL in advance! I am SUPER EXCITED to see what we can come up with!!
#1: You will need:
- two devices.... cell phones, ipad/ tablet or laptop.... (The 1st device will be video recording you singing, the 2nd device will be playing the "Karaoke" video I have linked below.... this device will need to be close enough to you that you can connect headphones into it.
- a set of headphones or earbuds (for listening to the sound of the "Karaoke" video. We don't want to hear the "Karaoke" video in your video recording, we only want to hear you or your instrument.)
- the lyric sheet and the chord sheet are attached below. NOTE: if you are playing an instrument that can transpose or have a capo on it... You could play this song in the key of G with capo 4 or transpose 4 - l attached the chord chart in the key of G as well.)
#2: When recording your video
- find something to prop up your device on so that it stays still while you are recording.
- pick a well lit place to record at.
- maybe stand in front of a wall or sit on a couch or chair
- Relax, Smile and have fun!
- Don't worry if you have messed up in a place or two, the tech team can edit the video so no one will know when the virtual choir video is finished.
#3. Get set up:
- make sure you listen to the "Karaoke" video a few times to familiarize yourself with the song and the song order.
- set up your two devices. The 1st device right in front of you to record yourself. The 2nd device you will need position out of the 1st device's camera view but still in a place that you can see it to watch the "Karaoke" video and have headphones connected.
- plug your headphone into the 2nd device that will be playing the "Karaoke" video. You will place one headphone into one of your ears but leave the other ear with no headphone in it. This is so that you can hear yourself sing or play your instrument! =D
#4. Record:
1) Have the "Karaoke" video all ready to go on your 2nd device.
2) Go ahead and start recording with your 1st device. (any extra footage will be edited so no worries!)
3) Place your headphones on or in your one ear, if it isn't already.
4) Press play on the "Karaoke" video and sing or play along until you are finished. If some of you just feel comfortable singing the Amen part or another part, that's okay too. Just as long as you sing that part along with the Karaoke video to keep the right tempo.
5) When you are finished singing or playing your instrument, end your video recording on your 1st device.
6) Then upload your video to this link https://driveuploader.com/upload/B70TqHexk1/. If you have trouble uploading your video, don't hesitate to contact me.
7) If you want to do more than one video recording, go for it! If you can sing harmony, go ahead and make a video singing harmony as well. If you play more than one instrument you can make multiple videos and send them in! =D
IF you have any questions, please feel free to email me at worship@selahfire.com and I will do my best to answer them.
Thank you and Love you all!
Trish Klapwyk
Worship Team Lead
Selah Fire
Here is the "Karaoke" video of The Blessing:
Chord Sheet (Key of B)
Chord Sheet (Key of G, capo 4)
The Lyric Sheet and the Chord Sheets are found in a Folder linked here: