Hey Selah Fire Family
My (Jeff) Sabbatical is now “ON”!!! What does that mean? It means from now, April 20th until August 4th, Jeff is “out of office”. No ministry responsibilities.
During our Team Lead Dinner Monday night, Drew (yep my buddy Drew and Debbie from Calvary United) shared a beautiful prophetic moment with our team leads. In the heavenly realm Drew took off the “mantle” that rests on me and placed it on its heavenly coat rack, to wait for my return. Then he had the team members declare “you are released”.
Released from from what? The responsibilities of the “mantle” or the “office”. In this moment I get to enjoy doing life with God, “up in the Mountain” away from the responsibilities of ministry. Later in the week, at intercession, I was sharing my struggle concerning boundaries during the sabbatical. What do they look like? Holy Spirit fell on Donna and in a heavenly whoosh, Donna gave me a Word from Heaven that went directly to my heart. My Spirit crying “YES ABBA”!
Her Word: “Jeff I gotta tell you, the disciples willingly got into the boat and Jesus went up into the mountain to be alone with God”.
With the mantle resting in heaven, having been released from ministry responsibilities, Selah Fire is willingly getting into the boat and providing me with time to get “away” with God “up in the mountain”. During this “mountain top” moment, you may see me in town, please wave, give me hug, and feel free to say hello. If you send me a “word of life” via e-mail or text, please trust that I receive them, even if I don’t reply back. My hearts desire is to be purely in “receive” from the Father mode. Chats and conversations about “ministry” and any related responsibilities will be on “pause” until August. :)
Here is the exciting thing about all this, God will use this time for Good, FOR ALL OF US! (Jeremiah 29:11). How do I know. That’s what He keeps telling us.
In my time with Laurie and Edith this Monday, Laurie shared that while Donna was preaching Sunday he got this sense, or impression that this sabbatical would be a “synchronized” blessing of God for our Selah Fire Family. “A SYNCHRONIZED BLESSING” is my expression, not Laurie's. But he explained that the good God was going to be doing in me and my family, Selah Fire would experience. Similarly, my family and I would experience the good God is going to be doing in you our Selah Fire Family. God is going to be doing a lot of “good stuff” amongst us while we are both “away” with God.
And so Selah Fire Family, just as Donna was preaching this past Sunday WE ARE ONE. Together we are in GOOD HANDS, the hands of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
For Pastoral care, we all have those key intimate relationships that sustain, support, and continue to inspire us to walk and live in Christ, not by might but by His Spirit. You are a body who know how to minister to one another! The Love of the Father is in you, for Christ is in you, the hope of Glory!! The “same glory you gave me, I have given them” Jesus tells us in John 17:22. Similarly,
“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.
And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead,
he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you Romans 8:11
For any pastoral emergency or crisis, Laurie and Edith are available: 1-519-589-7743.
Joanne, Cyndy and Jamie will continue to oversee the ministry, working with the landlord, getting our accountants up to speed and making sure our bills are paid and our finances are on track.
Trish, Gord and our our Worship and Tech teams will continue to lead us into the Presence of God during our Sunday Gatherings at the Selah Centre.
Lisa and our next gen worship leaders are practicing behind the scenes and we just can’t wait to have them lead us into God’s presence.
And thank you to Laura who co-ordinates all our Holy Spirit blessed prayer people for Sunday Prayer Ministry.
If you’d like to use the Centre in the summer, confirm your “event” with Laura and Wendy.
Please thank Patty DeRose who continues to tend the gardens around the Selah Centre.
And a special shout out to our small group leaders who throughout the year have ministered to our people week in and week out — Bless you Jan, Laura, Bettina, Laurie, Edith and Terry!!!
I note that due to conflicts in scheduling we will not be meeting at the Drayton Community Mennonite Church until the last Sunday of September. September 24th at 3pm!!!
Prior to that
Until that time Karen will be providing our weekly children’s message and kids ministry. After June 18th there will be activity packages to keep our children’s hearts and minds excited as we Gather at the Selah Centre and continue to delight in God’s presence with us the remainder of the Summer.
Denise and Mike will continue to bless and encourage our amazing Youth.
And praise God for our Selah Fire Family “Message” people, Donna, Bonnie, Laurie, Caleb, Mike and Bettina will be up in the fall. Everyone is keen and willing to reflect the Father’s heart as they will be sharing God’s WORD with us in the Sunday’s to come! Thank you JESUS!
For those who enjoy the Pastor Prep Notes - they have been created and will take us up to the end of July. Please be encouraged as you receive and read them online. These prep notes follow all that God put on Jeff’s heart while reading the letters of Peter! Of course, while Jeff is away, they will be expanded upon and made even more personal and relevant by our family members who will be sharing. Thank YOU HOLY SPIRIT!
Yours truly, in the Grace, Love and Power of the Holy Spirit…… Jeff