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Furnishings for Father's House Apartments

Selah Fire

Updated: Nov 19, 2024

March 10, 2023

Dear Church Family,

I am reaching out today to ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with our mission project happening right here in Canada.

Father’s Heart Healing Ministries is a Registered Charity located in Arthur, Ontario. We operate Beauty for Ashes Transformation House (BATH) a 3 month stabilization program and Oil of Joy Transitional Housing, a 1-2 year supportive housing and discipleship program for women exiting human trafficking, the sex trade and addiction.

The programs include individual therapy, group addictions counselling, equine assisted learning, bible study, small group discussion, mentoring, Sunday Church services and other Christ-centred programming. Programming is subsidized by generous donors like you!

Each resident lives in a fully furnished apartment where they learn life skills and how to make healthy lifestyle decisions.

This spring (2023), will be obtaining 3 additional apartments. We are asking you, your church or small group to consider helping us with donations towards these apartments. A list of our IMMEDIATE NEEDS for each apartment/room is attached. Items can be dropped off in the spring when they can be moved directly into the apartments.

In addition to apartment furnishings, we are in need of:

  • Gift cards (Foodland, Freshco, Walmart, No Frills)

  • Monthly sponsorship to help with resident’s daily living costs (i.e. rent, groceries, etc.).

  • General monetary donations for programming costs and supplies

Please contact us 519-848-3223 or

Cheques: made payable to Father’s Heart Healing Ministries.

We welcome the opportunity to speak to your church or small group about these mission projects.

For more information about these programs and to view 100 Huntley Street videos highlighting BATH, please visit our website


Maggie Baratto

FHHM Director


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