Message: The Enemy is Defeated! What do WE do with that?
Memory Verse:
I have given them the glory you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one. I am in them and you are in me. May the experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me. John 17:22-23
Bible Story: Matthew 4:1-11 Jesus Defeats the enemy
Spiritual warfare is real. I have wrestled with demons. Experienced personally the reality of the “enemy”, the devil, who seeks to steal, kill and destroy. And once this revelation came my way I learned to fight, to wrestle and to “win”. I exercised my authority in Christ by going to “battle”. Then one day God said “No more, no more praying like that”. I felt lost. I felt helpless and defenceless. Crushed. Vulnerable. And beaten up by the devil. "God what are you thinking?" I’d ask. In time, through obedience to that simple little word, “no more”, God had something better to teach me. My authority does not come from knowing what is true about Jesus, it comes from knowing the truth about who I am “in Jesus”.
Jesus defeated the enemy, so that I could live in fully alive in Him! In Christ, the enemy is powerless. What Jesus modelled in the wilderness,He won for us on the cross. Jesus defeated the devil and all his crew! So if the enemy is defeated, what do we do with that?
Live the Selah Fire Life! Trust in the finished work of Jesus, the power of the Holy Spirit and the presence of the Father alive and well in us. WE GET TO LIVE IN HIM!
Real Rest. Real Life. Real Freedom. The enemy is a defeated foe. And we get to live life everyday in Christ. In Christ the enemy never gets his way. How glorious is that? It’s true, God’s glory is my glory, and I get to live in it forever! On earth as in heaven! Yay God. The Battle has been fought, it has been won, and I get to live in, walk in and celebrate the freedom that is mine because I am one with God in Christ! (jn17:22-23)… just like Jesus is, I am!!!!!